Centre for Skill Development and Informal Education (CSDIE)

Education, Training and Skill Development (capacity building) for all sectors of society is the basic motive behind establishment of “Centre for Skill Development and Informal Education (CSDIE)”. The center is meant for providing informal education and demand driven training & capacity building for any person of society who needs it. The education will be provided in the form of specific skill based training/certificate programs to the all section of society such as students, professionals, consultants, workers and women. The training programs will augment employability of the candidates. Different need based training/courses will be launched by the CSDIE as per the requirement of the candidates and society. The center aim to bridge the gap between the educated youth and job oriented skills requirement. All the job like training/courses like Auto CAD (2D & 3D), M S Office, MATLAB, Basics of Bioinformatics, Web Designing, Android Development , Networking, training for masons/welders/reinforcement/mechanics etc. will be provided by the center.

Chairman: Prof. Sachchidanand Shukla [Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, CSVTU, Bhilai]

Chief Coordinator: Dr. J. P. Patra [Associate Prof., UTD, CSVTU, Bhilai]

Certificate Program Under CSDIE :-

Center- Old Campus, CSVTU, Sector-08, Bhilai : Click Here

Extension Centre-GGP Raipur : Click Here

Extension Centre-GEC Bilaspur : Click Here